CL210 Red Hat OpenStack Administration II: Day 2 Operations for Cloud Operators

CL210 Red Hat OpenStack Administration II: Day 2 Operations for Cloud Operators


Build advanced skills for performing Red Hat OpenStack Platform day 2 operations and management of hybrid cloud infrastructure

Red Hat OpenStack Administration II: Day 2 Operations for Cloud Operators (CL210) is designed for cloud operators, service administrators, and automation engineers who operate and manage a full-featured hybrid and private cloud-computing environment using Red Hat OpenStack Platform. You will learn how to manage, monitor, troubleshoot, and scale a Red Hat OpenStack Platform infrastructure. This course focuses on using the OpenStack Client command-line user interface to configure metrics, policies, and architecture in order to support enterprise cloud applications and daily operations.

This course is based on Red Hat OpenStack version 16.1 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux version 8.2

  • Managing overcloud service containerization technology.
  • Providing metrics for performance tuning and governance.
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting Open Virtual Networking (OVN) network flow.
  • Configuring Identity service using an external Red Hat IdM store.
  • Managing the core control plane, including Pacemaker.
  • Customizing images, with techniques for multiple use cases.
  • Managing block and object storage back-ends.
  • Managing compute nodes, including tuning and hyperconverged.
  • Troubleshooting Red Hat OpenStack Platform.
  • Cloud operators responsible for managing daily operations and automation.
  • Infrastructure architects interested in or responsible for maintaining a large-scale private or hybrid cloud.

Im­pact on the in­di­vi­du­al

Course attendees will learn how to operate and manage a Red Hat OpenStack Platform installation using all of the common core features and services used by enterprise private/hybrid cloud customers. Successful attendees will be able to monitor, troubleshoot, and automate operations handling compute, storage, networking, deployment, and application support resources and services tailored to their enterprise needs.

Te­ch­no­lo­gy con­si­de­ra­tions

  • There are no current special requirements or technical considerations.
  • No BYOD support.
  • No Internet access required.

Na­vi­ga­te the Red Hat Open­Stack Plat­form ar­chi­tectu­re Descri­be the un­der­cloud and over­cloud ar­chi­tectu­re and ser­vice com­po­nents.

Ope­ra­te the con­trol pla­ne Descri­be and ma­nage the cri­ti­cal core ser­vices of the Red Hat Open­Stack Plat­form con­trol pla­ne.

Ma­nage in­frastructu­re secu­ri­ty Pro­tect the Red Hat Open­Stack Plat­form in­frastructu­re by secu­ring ser­vice com­po­nent fi­les and end­points.

Ma­nage user secu­ri­ty Con­fi­gu­re secu­re user pri­vi­le­ges using do­main-ba­sed iden­ti­ty ma­na­ge­ment, sco­ped ro­les, and pro­ject or­ga­ni­za­tion.

Ma­nage ap­pli­ca­tion deployment re­sour­ces Cre­a­te and ma­nage the com­mon, sha­red deployment re­sour­ces in­clu­ding custom ima­ges, fla­vors, and me­ta­da­ta ser­vices.

Ma­nage sto­rage Descri­be and ma­nage sto­rage ar­chi­tectu­re and com­po­nents, with an emp­ha­sis on Red Hat Ceph Sto­rage back ends.

Ma­nage networ­king Cre­a­te, ma­nage, and trou­bles­hoot data cen­ter and vir­tu­al network in­frastructu­re.

Ma­nage com­pu­te node ope­ra­tions Descri­be the ar­chi­tectu­re and ma­na­ge­ment pro­ces­ses for nor­mal and hy­per­con­ver­ged com­pu­te no­des. Per­form com­mon ope­ra­tio­nal tasks for com­pu­te no­des to sup­port worklo­ad up­ti­me and scaling.

Mo­ni­tor Red Hat Open­Stack Plat­form ope­ra­tions Descri­be the mo­ni­to­ring fram­ework and ar­chi­tectu­re to gat­her, sto­re, and use ope­ra­tio­nal metrics.

Au­to­ma­te cloud ap­pli­ca­tions Im­ple­ment and deploy com­plex and sca­lab­le ap­pli­ca­tions using au­to­ma­tion te­ch­no­lo­gi­es.

Trou­bles­hoot ope­ra­tions Descri­be and practice the tools and met­hods for di­a­gno­sing and trou­bles­hoo­ting is­sues en­counte­red du­ring deployment and ma­na­ge­ment ope­ra­tions.

Com­pre­hen­si­ve re­vi­ew Re­vi­ew tasks from Red Hat Open­Stack Plat­form Ad­mi­nist­ra­tion II: Day 2 Ope­ra­tions for Cloud Ope­ra­tors.


3 600 

5 Dagar




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