Design Thinking

Course Summary

Design Thinking is a popular and powerful set of processes and tools for working with agile development of products and services.
Design Thinking is a five-step ‘Double Diamond’ process, from problem definition to solution testing, aimed at defining and concretizing solutions based on the needs of the target audience.
Used correctly, it is a practical, iterative, user-centered approach to solving real problems, developing innovations to create original services and competitive advantages.

The aim is to teach you the methodology of Design Thinking to give you the tools and processes to be able to develop systems, services or apps with high perceived quality and relevance for users.

Design Thinking is also such a popular method that you can effectively communicate with others in, for example, development teams who are also familiar with the concept.

The training is suitable for developers, content developers, designers, project managers, requirements developers, clients, agile coaches, UX designers, information architects, pretty much anyone who is in any way involved in developing products and services for any target group.

No special prior knowledge required

This course has no certification

Info to come…

The philosophy of Design Thinking is not really a new method, but has its roots in ‘traditional’ UX and user-centered development. However, in recent years DT has made a strong impact as a way to effectively run idea projects, especially in agile development environments and in Service Design. The method has, not unexpectedly, become popular in the public sector, in small and large companies, and even start-ups.

The course includes the following elements

  • Design Thinking – background & definition
  • Introduction to Product Discovery
  • Design Thinking phases
    – Empathize
    – Define
    – Ideate
    – Prototype
    – Test
  • Use of Problem Statements and Design Challenges
  • Usage patterns and user types and groups
  • Deliverables: Personas, empathy maps, Job To Be Done (JTBD), Customer journeys, Scenarios, User Stories, etc. m.
  • Link to agile development
  • Review of some valuable digital tools


Course Overview

9 900 kr

1 day

Can’t find a (suitable) date, but are interested in the course? Send in an expression of interest and we will do what we can to find a suitable opportunity.

Customized Courses

The course can be adapted from several perspectives:

  • Content and focus area
  • Extent and scope
  • Delivery approach

In interaction with the course leader, we ensure that the course meets your needs.

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