HemSök efter kurserIntroduction to Containers and Kubernetes

Introduction to Containers and Kubernetes

This one-day training class strikes a balance between theoretical concepts and practical hands-on exercises. Participants will engage in instructor-led presentations, group discussions, and interactive lab sessions. Real-world examples and best practices will be shared to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of containers, Docker, and Kubernetes.
Throughout the course, participants will embark on a step-by-step journey of taking an existing application and automating its build and deployment process using containers and GitHub Actions. By the end of this course, attendees will have a solid foundation in containerization technologies, and be proficient in using Docker for application packaging. Armed with these new capabilities, participants will be well-prepared to build efficient CI/CD pipelines and streamline their application deployments using containers and GitHub Actions.


1 dag

10950 kr

Target Audience

This course primarily caters to developers who are keen to learn how to work with containers and build an efficient Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipeline. Whether you are an aspiring programmer, a software engineer, or an IT professional seeking to enhance your skill set, this course will equip you with the necessary knowledge and practical techniques to leverage containers and streamline application deployment.


To fully benefit from this training class, participants should possess a fundamental knowledge of programming and be familiar with using the command line in Windows. Additionally, having experience with version control using Git is essential. No prior experience with containers is required.

Course Content: Introduction to Containers and Kubernetes

During the hands-on workshop, we will cover topics like:


  • Introduction to containers
  • Containers vs. virtual machines
  • Docker files vs. images vs. containers
  • Building locally in a container
  • Multistage container builds
  • Doing application builds in a container
  • Automating the build using GitHub Actions
  • Deploying the container to the cloud
  • Managing secrets
  • Optimizing the container builds

Docker Compose

  • Introduction
  • Networking


  • The benefits of Kubernetes
  • Pods
  • Deployment
  • Services
  • Ingress
  • Automatic deployment

And much more…    


Tore Nestenius

Tore Nestenius är en uppskattad kursledare med en särskild förmåga att anpassa undervisningen efter varje deltagares behov. Han är skicklig på att förmedla kunskap på ett sätt som är lätt att förstå och tillämpa i praktiken.

I Tores kurser blandas teori med praktiska övningar, vilket ger deltagarna möjlighet att direkt använda det de lär sig. Med över 14 års erfarenhet inom områden som mjukvaruarkitektur, .NET, C#, ASP.NET Core och webbsäkerhet, är han en erfaren utbildare som engagerar och berikar sina kursdeltagare.