HemSök efter kurserPython 3 - Fundamentals

Python 3 – Fundamentals


This Python 3 Foundation course gives you a fast and effective introduction to Python v3, regardless if it is your first programming language or if you already have experience with other languages like C, C++, C#, Java or similar.

Python is an open source (C & Python) portable scripting and general purpose high-level language with compilation/interpretation similar to that of Java (.pyc bytecode files). Python is more similar to plain English than most other programming languages, i.e Python provides for logical, readable and maintainable code.

Course introduction

The focus of this course is to give you as a participant a fast introduction to history and usefullness of Python as a programming language and also give you a box of tools to work with directly in your own business.

During the course we discuss and highlight the differences in between Python v2 and v3. Exercises are done using Python v3. The exercises could also be done usinge Python v2 if requested.


Köp vårt kur­spa­ket och sä­ker­ställ din vi­da­re­ut­veck­ling

Paketpris: 31 420 kr
Ordinarie pris: 39 800 kr
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3 dagar

22450 kr

Target Audience

Programmers, testers and others involved in projects that will involve Python as a coding language.


Knowledge of one "major" programming languages is positive but not mandatory.

Course Content: Python 3 - Fundamentals

Day 1

- Python - history/ overview

- Basic Data Types 

  • type-checking
  • base types
  • bindings
  • built-in objects
  • sequences
    - lists
    - tuples
    - strings
  • mappings
    - dictionaries
  • assignment

- Flow Control

  • comments
  • statements
  • operators
  • conditionals
  • loops
  • range                 

- Sequences and Mappings

  • mutable vs immutable
  • indexing sequences
  • slices
  • IN, NOT IN
  • list initialisation & methods
  • fast enumeration
  • iterations over lists
  • tuple initialisation & methods
  • strings
  • dictionaries
  • iteration over dictionaries

Day 2

- Basic Input/Output

  • input vs Raw_input
  • eval
  • the print statement
  • the print function
  • command line arguments
  • reading from STDIN
  • reading from files
  • writing to files
  • seek, tell
  • basic string formatting

- Functions

  • def keyword
  • LGB scope
  • return values
  • arguments & parameters
  • lambda functions
  • map

- Exceptions

  • raise
  • assert
  • try / except
  • exception object hierachy
  • warnings

Day 3 

- Modules & Packages

  • standard modules
  • paths
  • packages vs modules
  • __init__ files
  • import keyword
  • namespaces
  • user-defined modules
  • docstring
  • pydoc                     

- Object-oriented Programming

  • basic principles
  • classes
  • instances
  • attributes
  • methods
  • self
  • instance attributes
  • class attributes
  • id
  • type
  • inheritance                     

- Subprocess 

  • os.system
  • deprecated modules
  • sub.call
  • sub.check
  • sub.popen
  • redirect streams
  • subprocess32


  • ”Väldigt bra tillvägagångssätt att förklara hur det hänger ihop istället för att enbart förklara syntax.”
  • ”I really appreciated the interactive exercises we did at the end of day 2 and 3. It helps me process the information a lot easier.”
  • Andra har även varit intresserade av dessa kurser: