C# fundamentals
Take a deep dive into the world of C# programming and the .NET platform with this comprehensive three-day training class, designing specifically for seasoned developers.
Updated for the features of C# version 11, .NET 7, and Visual Studio 2022, this course is packed with hands-on exercises, presentations, and a suite of pre-study materials that will equip you with a robust foundational skillset for a wide range of applications.
Course FormatThe course features a balanced mix of presentations, demonstrations, and practical hands-on exercises that empower attendees to grasp the theoretical concepts and practically apply them.
3 dagar
26950 kr
Target audience
Agenda for C# fundamentals
Pre-Course module
To ensure maximum value, we have expanded the course to include a comprehensive pre-course module of curated resources that are designed to get developers up to speed with the key concepts. With this knowledge, students will be empowered to dive deeper into the more advanced and crucial aspects of C# and apply this knowledge seamlessly in their projects.
This essential learning kit, comprising of presentations and hands-on exercises, covers:
- Hello World
- Working with chars and strings
- Data types & operators
- Flow Control
- Arrays & Loops
- Methods & Classes
- Enum
It’s important to either complete this pre-course material or to have familiarity with these topics before attending the course.
Throughout our engaging sessions, we will explore:
- Pre-course Recap: A quick revision of the pre-course material.
- The .NET echo system
- Visual Studio
- Classes
- Fields and properties
- Namespaces
- Error handling and exceptions
- Creating objects and the constructor
- Static
- Generic Collections
- Composition
- Inheritance
- Interface
- Generics
- LINQ – Part 1
- Anonymous types
- IEnumerable
- Extension methods
- Lambda and delegates
- Func and Action
- LINQ – Part 2
and much more…
Tore Nestenius
Tore Nestenius är en uppskattad kursledare med en särskild förmåga att anpassa undervisningen efter varje deltagares behov. Han är skicklig på att förmedla kunskap på ett sätt som är lätt att förstå och tillämpa i praktiken.
I Tores kurser blandas teori med praktiska övningar, vilket ger deltagarna möjlighet att direkt använda det de lär sig. Med över 14 års erfarenhet inom områden som mjukvaruarkitektur, .NET, C#, ASP.NET Core och webbsäkerhet, är han en erfaren utbildare som engagerar och berikar sina kursdeltagare.