

Stop selfish managment styles

Year after year we have read how low the engagement results are in companies in Sweden, and also worldwide. It is not sustainable when managers and/or employees are exploiting others for their own purposes.


Vad utmärker ett högpresterande team?

Aktuell forskning såväl som en stor studie inom Google visar att just social trygghet är det allra mest utmärkande för de team som presterar bäst. I sådana team får alla komma till tals lika mycket och den som gör fel eller misslyckas blir inte straffad.


Is a colleague stoking you the wrong way?

If you have ever felt that a colleague has rubbed you the wrong way, it might have to do with your differences in intrinsic motivation. When people have opposing needs, they tend to misunderstand each other.


Do you prefer to get started with work or to analyse first?

Curiosity is one of our motives according to Ph.D. Steven Reiss. We all have it, but to a very different extent, from very low to very high.


TEDx Talks: Mia Liljeberg – Changing the way we change

Mia Liljeberg works with leaders to upgrade them to survive and thrive in the VUCA world. Building resilient leaders and calibrating their organizations to stay ahead of the game. With over 15 years of change management in the luggage, and having lived and worked in over 14 countries on five continents for global companies in most industries makes it easy for her to chart and navigate in new environments.


Your subordinate managers are not your fans, they play in your band

Some higher up managers act as their subordinate managers are their raving fans. That is not the case. They actually play in your band.


Ledare? Alla tittar på vad du gör och inte gör!

Vi förmedlar hela tiden budskap till omgivningen, inte bara ord utan också gester, kroppsspråk, klädval, sättet vi säger eller gör en sak på och inte minst vad vi gör.


Are you a leader affirming others’ potential?

Many people seeking for managerial positions have high desire for Power (motive). They enjoy being managers over other people and making decisions affecting employees.


My motivation and potential is not utilized! Why? What should I do?

Managers are supposed to get the best out of employees, but they are oftentimes demotivating their co-workers instead.